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Create an HTTPS-Terminated Load Balancer

This guide covers the steps needed to create an HTTPS-terminated load balancer using the command line.

This guide applies to OpenMetal clouds running OpenStack Yoga with Barbican enabled.

Before starting there are few things to prepare:

Two VMs have been created on a network called private_net_1, reachable by and NGINX has been installed to each and is listening on port 80. Security groups for ICMP and HTTP have been added to each VM. A TLS certificate from an external certificate authority has been acquired.

Initial Preparation

In your virtual environment, install the stable/yoga branch of python-octaviaclient:

pip install git+

The CA certificate chain, TLS certificate, and private key are layed out in a directory like so:

$ ls cert
ca-certs.pem server.crt server.key


Create a copy of the certificate in PKCS#12 format using openssl:

openssl \
pkcs12 -export \
-inkey server.key \
-in server.crt \
-certfile ca-chain.crt \
-passout pass: \
-out server.p12

Store the SSL certificate as a secret using Barbican:

openstack secret store \
--name='tls_secret1' \
-t 'application/octet-stream' \
-e 'base64' \
--payload="$(base64 < server.p12)"

Create the load balancer and ensure it is on the same network as your VMs:

openstack loadbalancer create \
--name lb1 \
--vip-subnet-id private_net_1

Create a listener with protocol TERMINATED_HTTPS, listening on port 443, using the certificate secret uploaded earlier:

openstack loadbalancer listener create \
lb1 \
--protocol-port 443 \
--name listener1 \
--default-tls-container-ref $(openstack secret list | awk '/ tls1 / {print $2}')

Create a ROUND_ROBIN pool using the HTTP protocol:

openstack loadbalancer pool create \
--name pool1 \
--lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN \
--listener listener1 \
--protocol HTTP

Create 2 members using the appropriate IPs for your VMs:

openstack loadbalancer member create \
--subnet-id private_net_1 \
--address \
--protocol-port 80 \
openstack loadbalancer member create \
--subnet-id private_net_1 \
--address \
--protocol-port 80 \

Associate a floating IP to the VIP address of the load balancer:

openstack floating ip set --port d77f97aa-9d33-40c1-b191-1ca549a95075

Show the details of the load balancer:

$ openstack loadbalancer show lb1
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2023-10-10T14:41:53 |
| description | |
| flavor_id | None |
| id | 5028cbc9-1c72-4873-b423-ffcb1c2f1887 |
| listeners | 75e82ae6-f1a4-43e3-a7ea-9909afc5ae59 |
| name | lb1 |
| operating_status | ONLINE |
| pools | 6ae46b29-0d27-45f5-9d8e-23e2ef82fe84 |
| project_id | 4993ac59480646b6b15ae7727279ca11 |
| provider | amphora |
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |
| updated_at | 2023-10-10T18:22:46 |
| vip_address | |
| vip_network_id | 0d23b204-993b-4876-8604-a4d0ec76e6ad |
| vip_port_id | d77f97aa-9d33-40c1-b191-1ca549a95075 |
| vip_qos_policy_id | None |
| vip_subnet_id | ad266069-6fa0-4c4d-830d-5d5b913279e2 |
| tags | |


Update the DNS for your FQDN to point to the floating IP address and verify the load balancer works as expected.