Bare Metal Pricing and Server Catalog

  • Up to 20Gbps private networking included at no additional cost
  • Egress bandwidth is unmetered and unlimited up to the included public speed
  • Lock in pricing up to 5 years, paid monthly
  • Easy access and management with IPMI
  • Servers delivered on schedule or your first month free
  • Explore more features and details

OpenMetal Compute Node

Planning a large or complex bare metal deployment? Need custom changes like additional drives, more RAM, or buying in bulk? Request a custom quote.

Ready for a bare metal provider that puts you and your business first?

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Not sure yet?  Our dedicated pricing experts can:

Get You Started Fast

Our expert hardware engineers will work closely with your team. Save time, improve performance, and lower costs.

Negotiate Ramp Pricing

Don’t pay twice during the move process. Work with your account manager to get a move plan that fits.

Beat Your Bill

Has your mega cloud provider hit you with a mega bill? Transparent prices, fixed budgets, and a team that cares.

Bare Metal Pricing FAQs

When buying dedicated servers from OpenMetal we provide the following:

  • Included “Public Egress” with each server for no additional cost
  • Private connectivity between your servers on your own VLANs
  • dDOS protection between the internet edge (our routers) and your VLANs

Unmetered and unlimited means within your port speed provided, you are not billed by the GB transferred.  When buying a cluster of servers, your public egress from your private networks to the internet is the aggregate amount of public egress included with your cluster members.

However, your egress is not limited to just your included public egress amount to allow for consistent and high performance even under large transfer situations. Your cluster edge can burst up to 100Gbps.  In the event your transfer is greater than the included public egress, your options are as follows:

  • Purchase additional 1Gbps public egress for $375/month, in advance
  • Be billed at the 95% percentile for overages, in arrears

Please review our Egress Pricing and our Terms of Service for more information or contact sales.

We keep common hardware on-hand and in our inbound supply chain at all times. Many servers can be deployed instantly and we typically can deploy up to 12 of a particular type in a particular data center at any given time. However, most customers want to follow a schedule as it is efficient and typically coincides with agreement terminations at current providers.

  1. Any immediate needs will be delivered from our on-hand dedicated servers.  Initial deployments can be of any size but 3 and 6 are common and typically deployed via self service or delivered by our team in 24-48 business hours.
  2. At the same time, you will work with your account manager to determine your next deployment.
  3. As your company is getting setup and migrating your initial workload, you and your account manager will lock in your needed servers from our inbound supply chain against your delivery schedule. We are also working on a new self scheduling system and expect to release that in Q4 2024.
  4. Servers are delivered from the supply chain with minor adjustments for larger needs being accommodated from our on-hand stock.  Minor reduction of locked in hardware is also accommodated on a case by case basis

OpenMetal has great flexibility and purchasing power that allow for the best dedicated server prices.  In the rare case you need instant delivery of a very large number of servers, we will do our best to accommodate, but you will pay a higher price than if you do it over weeks or months.   In addition, our pricing on dedicated servers is good for inbound and special ordered hardware for the duration of the quote length.

Yes, you get full access to your bare metal. Check the IPMI section of the Bare Metal product page.

All usage is subject to our full Terms of Service.

Different regions have different legal requirements for content and workloads that are your responsibility to understand and conform with.

Certain usage may place you in a different billing bracket. This is typically determined by the power utilization of your servers. You will be notified and have up to 60 days to address the utilization before moving into the new billing bracket. For activities like crypto-mining, there is no grace period. Please notify your account manager if you believe your workload is likely to have high continuous power consumption. They will provide you with options and pricing for these special cases.

All usage is subject to our full Terms of Service.

OpenMetal Central is the central overarching API (and dashboard) that is typically used by IT leadership. Within Central hardware is organized by “cloud projects”. This allows IT leadership to spin up multiple separate clouds and set budget limits on what can be added to an individual project. Learn more about our OpenMetal Central platform.

The network performance for 2022 was >99.99% and for 2023 was >99.99% and is currently tracking at >99.99%. The base SLA is 99.96%.

You can do it through OpenMetal Central or our team. We are preparing an API and that will be the recommended way as then you can also script the deployment of that hardware. If you have retained the “stock” deployment, our deployment system can continue to manage, add, and remove servers.

Each OpenMetal deployment is organized in a “Cloud” project that you create.  This project has a top-level budget set by the OpenMetal Central Admin level users for that cloud. As the admin, you set the maximum daily cost of your cluster. Whenever a server is requested, the interface or API will first check if your private cloud price would exceed your budget. If it exceeds your budget, the request is denied.
Your budget is found under the settings in each individual cloud. It can also be set when first provisioning the cloud.

All usage is subject to our full Terms of Service.