AWS Alternatives

Reduce AWS infrastructure costs without compromising on performance

Why Consider Alternatives

When it comes to cloud, AWS made headways providing opportunities for organizations to have access to cloud resources regardless of their budget. But when workloads grow, there comes a tipping point where public cloud is no longer cost effective. This tipping point, however, may be difficult to find due to AWS’s complex pricing models and variable costs. While the cost tipping point may vary by organization, generally speaking if you spend over $30,000 per month on AWS, you can reduce infrastructure costs by 50% or more by switching to AWS alternatives like OpenMetal’s hosted private cloud.

OpenMetal is a single-tenant, hosted private cloud model that works like a public cloud. Users have immediate access to resources with a pay-as-you-go model, but OpenMetal clouds are single tenant and users enjoy root-level access to configure their cloud.

Compare Equivalent Bundle Costs

Compare AWS and OpenMetal based on equivalent cloud bundles or package costs.

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Evaluate Options Based on Budget

Evaluate how many VMs you may have access to from AWS or OpenMetal within predefined monthly budgets.

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For a detailed pricing assessment, request a personalized savings quote or schedule a complimentary cloud consultation.

Read  “OpenMetal positions its OpenStack-based private cloud as a cheaper hyperscaler alternative.”

Market Insight Report

This market impact report was created by William Fellows, Research Director at 451 Research. Read Report >>

Market Insight Report

From Hyperscaler To Open Source

Enterprise Clouds at a Fraction of the Cost

OpenMetal’s OpenStack Private Cloud provides users with production-ready clouds deployed in under one minute. These cloud cores consist of three servers, are powered by OpenStack, backed by Ceph, and provide organizations with root-level access to their infrastructure. Cloud cores provide HA control plane, HA block, HA object storage, and compute with all core OpenStack components plus more.


XL V2 Cloud Cores vs AWS for 593 VMs

The following estimated^ costs compare an OpenMetal XL Cloud Core with (Medium VMs) vs AWS EC2 t3.medium configuration* with summary of details below. NOTE: OpenMetal prices reflect discounted pricing shown on pricing page.


(EC2 t3.medium)

On-Demand (no terms)



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved





XL Cloud Core v4

On-Demand (no terms)



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved




OpenMetal Savings

vs Equivalent AWS

No Term Savings = 79%

 = $24,460/Month

 = $293,627/Year

1 Year Savings = 74%



3 Year Savings = 74%




 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained July 2024.

*Config summary: Tenancy (Shared Instances), Operating system (Linux), Workload (Consistent, Number of instances: 593, Advance EC2 instance (t3.medium), Pricing strategy (On-Demand – Monthly and  EC2 Instance Savings Plans 1 and 3 Year options, No Upfront Payments, Enable monitoring (disabled), EBS Storage amount (40 GB), DT Inbound: Not selected (0 TB per month), DT Outbound: Internet (9 TB per month), DT Intra-Region: (0 TB per month)

Pricing varies by unique needs.

Request a no pressure, no commitment quote now. 

Evaluating AWS Alternatives Based On Budgets

Another way to evaluate AWS alternatives with OpenMetal Cloud Cores is to understand the estimated number of VM resources that would be available within set cloud budgets.

VMs Available on Defined Cloud Budgets

The following tables show the OpenMetal Cloud Core bundles and corresponding AWS options affordable within a specified cloud budget. These include the number VMs that would be available for each to demonstrate the value of your cloud investment with OpenMetal vs AWS. Costs are based on three year reserved resource pricing.

Cloud Budget of $1,000/Month

Compute ResourcesAWS OpenMetal Standard CoreOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM40 VMs71 VMs+31 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM21 VMs36 VMs+15 VMs
8 vCPU/16GB RAM10 VMs18 VMs+8 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (10 TB)$0.09/GB$0.01/GB$.08/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $4,500/Month

Compute ResourcesAWS OpenMetal XL CoreOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM187 VMs328 VMs+141 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM97 VMs164 VMs+67 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM48 VMs82 VMs+34 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (40 TB)$0.085/GB$0.01/GB$.075/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $20,000/Month

Compute ResourcesAWS OpenMetal Combined CoresOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM800 VMs2,092 VMs+1,292 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM424 VMs1,046 VMs+622 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM214 VMs523 VMs+309 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (150 TB)$0.05/GB$0.01/GB$.04/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $40,000/Month

Compute ResourcesAWS OpenMetal Combined CoresOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM1,600 VMs3,000 VMs+1,400 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM848 VMs2,346 VMs+1,498 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM428 VMs1,173 VMs+745 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (350 TB)$0.05/GB$0.01/GB$.04/GB Savings

 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained July 2024.

Customer Stories

Discover why OpenMetal customers made the switch from AWS. These case studies provide detailed insights into their motivations for seeking alternatives, their decision to choose OpenMetal, the specifics of their OpenStack deployment, and the resulting cost savings and overall experiences.


Openmetal’s team has worked closer with us than any other infrastructure provider we have ever had. Their technology is great, but their superpower is a culture of aligning their team with our goals.

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