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Kolla Image Build History

This page tracks the history of when Kolla images have been built. Images are built when major security issues are patched in the base image operating system and when changes to OpenStack services, like bug fixes and improvements, are released. OpenStack service changes can be found in the release notes index.

Current OpenStack release

We are currently deploying OpenStack 2023.2 with Ubuntu 22.04 as the base operating system.

Image tagging

When images are built, the date they were built is appended to the image tag, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". Images built on October 10, 2024 for the 2023.2 release will be tagged with 2023.2-ubuntu-jammy-2024-10-10. The latest images built will have two tags applied, one being the base tag (2023.2-ubuntu-jammy, for example), and the other including the appended date. This allows for rolling back to previous images if necessary.

How to update your cloud

See Update Kolla Images for the steps needed to update your cloud.

OpenStack 2023.2

Latest image tag: 2023.2-ubuntu-jammy

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy) Security updates

See the Ubuntu Security Notices page for information relating to security updates.

OpenStack service updates

OpenStack service changes can be found in the release notes index.

Image Update History

TagBuild DateNotes
2023.2-ubuntu-jammy-2024-10-1010/10/2024- Ubuntu security updates
- Cinder (23.2.0-12) new features and bug fixes
- Neutron (23.2.0-18) security issues and bug fixes
- Nova (28.3.0-11) bug fixes
- Octavia (13.0.0-32) bug fixes