Google Cloud Alternatives

OpenMetal offers Google Cloud Platform alternatives that can reduce Google Cloud costs and help you grow your business.

Compare GCP and OpenMetal Costs

When considering Google Cloud alternatives to reduce cloud costs, it is valuable to look at comparative pricing with different considerations. To evaluate OpenMetal Cloud Cores costs vs Google Cloud Platform (GCP), choose a methodology below that is most relevant to you.

We have made every attempt to compare GCP options that are equivalent to OpenMetal Cloud Cores and to match any cost-based factors such as geographic hosting locations. Please remember that all costs are estimates.

OpenMetal as an alternative cloud provider to GCP is not an apples to apples comparison. OpenMetal is a single-tenant, hosted private cloud model that works like a public cloud. But, it does not share resources with other users. GCP is a traditional multi-tenant, public cloud model that does share resources with others.

Compare Equivalent Bundle Costs

Compare GCP and OpenMetal based on equivalent cloud options or package costs.

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Evaluate Options Based on Budget

Evaluate how many VMs you may have access to from GCP or OpenMetal within predefined monthly budgets.

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Review Specific Use

Review resource costs from GCP and OpenMetal to support specific use cases and/or applications.

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Read “OpenMetal positions its OpenStack-based private cloud as a cheaper hyperscaler alternative.”

Market Insight Report

This market impact report was created by William Fellows, Research Director at 451 Research. Read Report >>

Market Insight Report

Evaluating GCP Alternatives Based On Bundle Costs

One way to evaluate Google Cloud alternatives from OpenMetal is to look at comparable cloud bundles and their pricing. Our Cloud Cores come in different sizes. For our purposes here, we will use a Standard Cloud Core comparison and an XL Cloud Core comparison to demonstrate a range of pricing options.

OpenMetal Standard Cloud Cores vs GCP for 68 VMs

The following estimated^ costs compare OpenMetal Standard Cloud Core (with medium VMs) vs GCP (E2-Medium)  machine types with summary* of details below. NOTE: OpenMetal prices reflect discounted pricing shown on pricing page.



No Terms – On-Demand



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved





Standard Cloud Core

No Terms – On-Demand



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved




OpenMetal Savings

vs Equivalent GCP

No Term Savings = 57%

 = $1,793/Month

 = $21,516/Year

1 Year Savings = 51%



3 Year Savings = 55%




 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained June 2023.

*Config summary: Tenancy (Shared Instances), Operating System/Software: Free, Number of instances: 68, Provisioning Model: Regular, GCP instance (E2-medium), Committed Use Discounts applied, Internet Egress (Standard Tier: 9,000 GiB),  Persistent Disk (Accompanying): Zonal SSD PD 40 GiB), Northern Virginia

XL V2 Cloud Cores vs GCP for 593VMs

The following estimated^ costs compare OpenMetal XL Cloud Core with (Medium VMs) vs GCP (E2-Medium)  machine types with summary* of details below. NOTE: OpenMetal prices reflect discounted pricing shown on pricing page.



On-Demand (no terms)



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved





XL Cloud Core

On-Demand (no terms)



1 Year Term – Reserved



3 Year Term – Reserved




OpenMetal Savings

vs Equivalent GCP

No Term Savings = 74%

 = $17,211/Month

 = $206,532/Year

1 Year Savings = 69%



3 Year Savings = 70%




 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained June 2023.

*Config summary: Tenancy (Shared Instances), Operating System/Software: Free, Number of instances: 593, Provisioning Model: Regular, GCP instance (E2-medium), Committed Use Discounts applied, Internet Egress (Standard Tier: 36,000 GiB),  Persistent Disk (Accompanying): Zonal SSD PD 40 GiB), Northern Virginia


Because all pricing is dependent upon unique factors, let our Cloud Engineers build a detailed pricing assessment for you. 

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Evaluating GCP Alternatives Based On Budgets

Another way to evaluate Google Cloud alternatives with OpenMetal Cloud Cores is to understand the estimated number of VM resources that would be available within set cloud budgets.

VMs Available on Defined Cloud Budgets

The following tables show the OpenMetal Cloud Core bundles and corresponding Google Cloud Platform options affordable within a specified cloud budget. These include the number of VMs that would be available for each to demonstrate the value of your cloud investment with OpenMetal vs GCP. Costs are based on a 3-year reserved resource pricing.

Cloud Budget of $1,000/Month

Compute ResourcesGCPOpenMetal Standard CoreOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM42 VMs68 VMs+26 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM27 VMs34 VMs+7 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM13 VMs17 VMs+4 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (10 TB)$0.12/GB$0.01/GB$.011/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $4,500/Month

Compute ResourcesGCP OpenMetal XL CoreOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM201 VMs593 VMs+392 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM104 VMs296 VMs+192 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM56 VMs148 VMs+92 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (40 TB)$0.08/GB$0.01/GB$.07/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $20,000/Month

Compute ResourcesGCP OpenMetal Combined CoresOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM895 VMs2,672 VMs+1,777 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM456 VMs1,336 VMs+880 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM229 VMs668 VMs+439 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (150 TB)$0.02/GB$0.01/GB$.01/GB Savings

Cloud Budget of $40,000/Month

Compute ResourcesGCP OpenMetal Combined CoresOpenMetal Advantage
2 vCPU/4GB RAM1,708 VMs5,344 VMs+3,636 VMs
4 vCPU/8GB RAM912 VMs2,672 VMs+1,760 VMs
8 vCPU/18GB RAM444 VMs1,336 VMs+892 VMs
Bandwidth Cost (350 TB)$0.02/GB$0.01/GB$.01/GB Savings

 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained June 2023.

Evaluating GCP Alternatives Based On Use Cases

A third way to look at Google Cloud Alternatives is to walk through a use case scenario to better understand how your organization may be able to benefit from moving to a Google Cloud alternative such as OpenMetal. The following is an actual customer that moved from Google Cloud to OpenMetal to achieve new performance and cost-savings benefits.

Customer Profile

Customer is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider that creates and manages WordPress websites for mission-critical sites including eCommerce, membership, publication, and online learning sites that are often susceptible to sudden and large spikes of web traffic.

GCP Utilization

Customer was deploying individual cloud clusters with an average of 5 worker VMs per cluster. This was designed to reserve and deliver excess resources to support burstability for traffic spikes  or urgent workload needs, ensuring high availability performance.


  • Gain more control over their clouds to optimize performance.
  • Find a cloud “partner” that would deliver the high-touch service they gave to their own customers.
  • Reduce their high cloud and bandwidth costs.

The OpenMetal Solution

After a successful proof of concept (PoC) engagement, OpenMetal worked closely with this customer to design and deploy a full production cloud that included a single-tenant XL Cloud Core with an additional two XL servers to support a large VM on each of the bare metal servers. The deployment included all compute and storage, including PCLe 4.0 NVMEe SSDs to deliver high performance on the latest version of Ceph storage.

By giving them full utilization of the XL Cloud Core and additional server resources, it allowed the customer to support somewhere between 6 to 10 clusters, similar to what they were purchasing individually from GCP. This helped meet and exceed their goals.

  • More Control – By using a single-tenant environment, they have root access to the configurations of their own server infrastructure to customize settings for optimal performance, without having to manage the physical hardware.
  • Cloud Partner – Engagement did not end with the cloud deployment. OpenMetal is working with this customer on a weekly basis to review and optimize performance, and even start planning for future expansions.
  • Cost-Savings – By giving the customer full use of their OpenMetal footprint resources, they were able to reduce the cloud waste of resources sitting idle in anticipation of bursts. It also allowed the customer to benefit from economies of scale, hosting 6 or more clusters on each production build vs purchasing ongoing individual clusters. This helps to bring down the the cost of multiple clusters by more than 50% over GCP (as shown below).

Estimated Cost Savings


Cluster SpecificationsGoogle Cloud Platform (GCP)OpenMetal
Cluster Capacity 1 Cluster Per6+ Clusters Per
Size of VMs LargeLarge
Number of VMs per Cluster5 VMs5 VMs
Monthly Pricing Per Cluster:  
Cluster 1$3,963$9,500
Cluster 2$3,963$0
Cluster 3$3,963$0
Cluster 4$3,963$0
Cluster 5$3,963$0
Cluster 6$3,963$0
Total Monthly Cost$23,778$9,500 

While the first cluster on OpenMetal is more expensive than the first GCP cluster, it is easy to see how quickly the advantage of adding multiple clusters on OpenMetal adds up to significant savings over the addition of individual clusters on GCP. Further, when combined with OpenMetal bandwidth costs that are 50% to 80% lower than public cloud costs like GCP, the financial advantages multiply.

 ^All prices are estimates only and may be subject to change because of pricing adjustments and/or unique customer resources. Pricing obtained June 2023.

We welcome OpenMetal’s unique method of charging on a consumption threshold flow basis for bandwidth, and in relation to profitability we are pleasantly surprised with the monthly ongoing costs of using their infrastructure. They have been very agile and flexible in accommodating our rapid growth and aligning the contract with our planned growth.

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