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Get Started with OpenStackClient

OpenStack offers a way to administer your cloud over the command line using OpenStackClient.

The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to managing your cloud using the command line. You will learn how to install OpenStackClient, authenticate, and run introductory commands. Everything that can be done using Horizon, can also be accomplished using OpenStackClient.

Installing OpenStackClient

OpenStackClient is available as a Python pip package.

For more information about this package, see OpenStackClient's pip project page.

Note! -- There exist two OpenStackClient packages: openstackclient and python-openstackclient. This guide recommends using openstackclient as it comes with many more OpenStack service command line clients. You can use either package, but if you want to interact with a specific service's command line client, you may have to install that separately.

How to Install OpenStackClient

Note! -- These instructions are meant for a Linux environment.

Before getting started, make sure Python 3 and pip are installed to your machine.

The first step is to create a Python virtual environment. This is useful in that this environment will not interfere with your system's Python installation.

Step 1 -- Create Python virtual environment

The following demonstrates creating a virtual environment in the path ~/venv/openstackclient.

Create the environment:

python3 -m venv ~/venv/openstackclient

Activate the environment using source:

$ source ~/venv/openstackclient/bin/activate
(openstackclient) :~$

Notice the shell now has (openstackclient) where commands are entered. This indicates the virtual environment is active.

Step 2 -- Update pip

Pip may need to be updated before installing OpenStackClient.

To do so, use:

python3 -m pip install -U pip

Step 3 -- Download OpenStackClient

With the virtual environment prepared, use pip to download the OpenStackClient package:

pip3 install openstackclient

Step 4 -- Download OpenStack RC and clouds.yaml files

Next, you will need to obtain two files from Horizon:

  • OpenStack RC
  • clouds.yaml

These are located under the Project tab, then API Access.


From here, click the Download OpenStack RC File drop-down, and then download both files.

The clouds.yaml file needs to exist in ~/.config/openstack for OpenStackClient to function. When downloaded, ensure it can be located as ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml.

Multiple clouds: If you are working with multiple clouds, add the cloud entry to the existing clouds.yaml and the cloud can be specified using OS_CLOUD=$cloud_name or --os-cloud=$cloud_name, where $cloud_name is the name of the cloud you're working with.

Example clouds.yaml with two cloud entries, cloud-1 and cloud-2:

username: "admin"
project_id: b93259ca0a5b4541b30e4e16ae1d699d
project_name: "Apples"
user_domain_name: "Default"
region_name: "iad3"
interface: "public"
identity_api_version: 3
username: "admin"
project_id: 6d0ef671c4b2413d920b61e3777fe2ab
project_name: "Oranges"
user_domain_name: "Default"
region_name: "iad3"
interface: "public"
identity_api_version: 3

Step 5 -- Finish preparing environment

Next, load the OpenStack RC file into your shell using source:

source ~/Downloads/

This action sets needed environment variables and will also ask you to authenticate as your OpenStack user:

(openstackclient):~$ source ~/Downloads/
Please enter your OpenStack Password for project User Cloud Test as user

Enter in the password for your user, and you are now set to use OpenStackClient.

Note! -- In addition to OpenStackClient, there are other command line clients for various OpenStack services that can be used. For example, Nova and Cinder each have their own command line client, as well as other services.

In later releases of OpenStack use of service-specific command line interfaces will be deprecated. When using the command line to administer OpenStack it is recommended to use OpenStackClient where possible as opposed to individual service's command line interfaces such as nova's CLI.

First Time Using OpenStackClient

For users using OpenStackClient for the first time, follow this section to learn how to list and show the details of the project associated with your OpenStack user.

As a first command, try listing the project your user is associated with, using openstack project list:

$ openstack project list
| ID | Name |
| a7f3c46fb8b3404c89dd94b0c33301e0 | User Cloud Test |

Next, list the details of the project under ID a7f3c46fb8b3404c89dd94b0c33301e0, using the show subcommand:

$ openstack project show a7f3c46fb8b3404c89dd94b0c33301e0
| Field | Value |
| description | This is a testing Project used to create documentation for end users. |
| domain_id | default |
| enabled | True |
| id | a7f3c46fb8b3404c89dd94b0c33301e0 |
| is_domain | False |
| name | User Cloud Test |
| options | {} |
| parent_id | default |
| tags | [] |

Note! -- Entering only openstack and running that will take you into the OpenStackClient shell allowing commands to be run without needing to prefix them with openstack:

(openstackclient) user@host:~$ openstack
(openstack) network list
| ID | Name | Subnets |
| 5cc755c9-41fc-44c2-87e7-642dfdfb0208 | External | a52754dd-13d9-4a36-bab6-10058f4887f5 |
(openstack) exit
(openstackclient) user@host:~$

Type exit to leave the OpenStackClient shell.

Next Steps

Navigate to the next guide in this series to learn how to create networks in OpenStack.