OpenMetal Release V2.1.0: Core Updates

Last month, we announced the latest and greatest version of our on-demand cloud platform. The team has been hard at work adding even more updates to this release, which includes:

Significantly improved RabbitMQ stability

Previously, any network disruption or high load on a control node could trigger problems with RabbitMQ, which required manual intervention to fix. This typically manifested as instances failing to provision, or actions failing to complete properly. RabbitMQ-dependent services are now able to operate properly even in a degraded state with one control node fully down, making simplified evacuation procedures possible.

Barbican Key Manager

The OpenStack Barbican service has been added, which allows securely storing secrets (such as private keys, certificates, passwords, etc.). This enables the use of LUKS-encrypted volumes and TLS-terminated Load Balancers.

TRIM-enabled volumes by default

Instances created from our stock OS images will now use the virtio-scsi driver by default, enabling instances to take advantage of TRIM support in Ceph RBD. This means that Ceph is able to reclaim space from files and data deleted from VM filesystems, making more efficient use of cluster storage space.

Read the Full List of Updates and Improvements

Datadog Monitoring Improvements

Earlier this year, we added Datadog monitoring functionality enabling OpenMetal Cloud users to quickly add common monitors to their network.

However, this required contacting our support team to implement. Who wants to contact support unless they truly have to??

We’ve now updated this process to allow users to add Datadog preprepared monitors themselves. Enjoy!

Datadog monitor update

Barbican Updates & Documentation

With Barbican now added and enabled by default in OpenMetal clouds, our team has updated the associated documentation and tutorials.

If you’re a Barbican user, we recommend bookmarking these updated tutorials for easy access:

These and many more guides can always be found in the Documentation section on our website.

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