Top 10 Concerns SaaS Platform Providers Have About Their Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure is a critical component for SaaS platform providers and, in many cases, the business’ highest operational cost. Their top concerns about their cloud infrastructure revolve around security, reliability, performance, cost, compliance, vendor lock-in, scalability, data backup, integration, and technical support.

OpenMetal provides high-performance, public cloud-like scalable infrastructure with built-in security features and full control over the hardware, giving SaaS platform providers an overall more operationally efficient cloud hosting platform at a fraction of the cost of hyperscalers.

This article goes into some of the top concerns that SaaS platform providers have about their cloud infrastructure and how an open source IaaS platform like OpenMetal Cloud can help resolve some of these pain points.



SaaS platforms store sensitive customer data in the cloud, which makes security a top priority. It’s essential to ensure that cloud infrastructure has strong security measures in place to protect customer data from breaches and attacks.

OpenMetal’s infrastructure is designed with security in mind, and the platform inherently offers several security features. A couple of key points that SaaS providers should note:

    • Data isolation: Private clouds provide dedicated infrastructure for each customer, ensuring that their data is kept separate from other customers’ data.
    • Enhanced access control: Private clouds provide fine-grained access control that allows customers to define and enforce their own security policies.

The level of isolation and access control available on OpenMetal Cloud goes a long way to help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.



SaaS platforms require high availability and uptime to ensure that customers can access their services at all times. Cloud infrastructure needs to be reliable and resilient to prevent outages and service disruptions.

OpenMetal’s cloud infrastructure is designed to provide high availability and uptime for SaaS providers. The program offers SLAs that guarantee uptime and provide compensation in the event of downtime or service disruptions, ensuring that customers can access their services at all times.



SaaS platforms need to ensure that their services perform well and are responsive to customer requests. Cloud infrastructure needs to be optimized for performance and scalability to handle high traffic and usage spikes.

SaaS providers can customize OpenMetal’s infrastructure to meet their specific performance requirements. OpenMetal also offers expert engineering support to optimize performance to meet specific workload demands. On average, with OpenMetal, SaaS providers have up to a 3.5X advantage compared to traditional public clouds.



Cloud infrastructure, especially on the public cloud, can get expensive over time. In order to be competitive in the marketplace, SaaS platform providers need to ensure that they are using the most cost-effective infrastructure that meets their needs.

The variability of public cloud costs along with complex pricing models for every service can make it difficult for SaaS providers to predict cloud infrastructure costs, thus making it difficult to confidently build out future roadmaps for the growth of the business.

OpenMetal offers transparent consumption-based pricing models that allow SaaS providers to pay only for the resources they need, making it easier to balance the cost of infrastructure with the need for performance, reliability, and security.

There are no surprise bills or hidden costs with OpenMetal. Since OpenMetal Cloud is built on open source enterprise technologies like OpenStack and Ceph, there are no software licensing fees or hidden “taxes”.

View a customer success story about how Pypestream, an AI chat SaaS platform achieved 50% savings by moving their DevOps workloads from AWS to OpenMetal.

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SaaS platforms may be subject to industry-specific regulations or compliance requirements, such as HIPAA, GDPR, or SOC 2. Cloud infrastructure needs to be compliant with these regulations and provide the necessary tools and features to ensure compliance.

OpenMetal’s infrastructure is inherently private and faciliates the the implementation of many industry-specific regulations. OpenMetal’s team is available to guide SaaS providers as to how to meet their compliance requirements.


Vendor Lock-In

SaaS platforms may be concerned about vendor lock-in, where they become reliant on a particular cloud provider and find it difficult to switch to another provider.

OpenMetal is an open source based cloud infrastructure as a service platform and this inherently helps avoid vendor lock-in. OpenMetal Cloud has APIs and other integrations to allow it to be part of a multi-cloud strategy enabling SaaS providers to use a variety of cloud providers and infrastructure.



SaaS platforms need to be able to scale up or down quickly based on customer demand. Cloud infrastructure needs to be scalable to support this level of flexibility.

OpenMetal cloud behaves like public cloud in the sense that customers can easily add multiple nodes and regions. Each OpenMetal cloud starts with a Cloud Core of three hyper converged servers. Customers can use API or GUI to easily add storage, compute, and even bare metal servers to extend their cloud as needed.


Data Backup and Recovery

SaaS platforms must have a robust backup and recovery system in place to protect against data loss and ensure business continuity. Cloud infrastructure needs to provide reliable backup and recovery features.

OpenMetal uses Ceph as its storage platform technology. Ceph is a distributed storage system that provides features such as redundancy, replication, and erasure coding that support backup and recovery on a cloud. Its RADOS (Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store) system ensures data availability and durability, while its CephFS (Ceph File System) provides a POSIX-compliant interface for file access. Ceph’s ability to scale horizontally and handle large amounts of data also makes it suitable for backup and recovery use cases in a cloud environment.



SaaS platforms may need to integrate with other systems or platforms, and cloud infrastructure needs to support these integrations. The ability to integrate with other systems and platforms can improve the overall functionality and performance of the SaaS platform.

OpenMetal is built on OpenStack which is an open-source cloud computing platform that offers a variety of APIs and plugins to enable integration with other systems and platforms. OpenStack can integrate with different hypervisors, such as KVM, VMware, and Hyper-V, allowing for diverse workload deployments.


Technical Support

SaaS platforms providers find that as they grow and have more complex infrastructure requirements, they would benefit from getting advanced and personalized technical support from their cloud providers. Unfortunately, with the public cloud, this is almost impossible, even at a significant cloud spend.

OpenMetal prides itself on making sure every single customer is successful with deploying their infrastructure on the OpenMetal cloud platform. Technical support is included, with direct access to the engineering team via collaboration channels like Slack. Higher levels of assisted management are also available for purchase.


Overall, OpenMetal’s SaaS providers program offers a comprehensive solution to the top concerns that SaaS platforms have about cloud infrastructure. By leveraging OpenMetal’s high-performance infrastructure, expert support, and customized solutions, SaaS providers can optimize their infrastructure and achieve better performance, scalability, and reliability for their services.

Contact our team here to find out how OpenMetal Cloud can improve your SaaS platform’s efficiencies while reducing your cloud infrastructure costs.

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