This blog provides an overview of Octavia, the load balancing component in OpenStack, covering its key features, benefits, and the challenges you may face when utilizing Octavia.

Octavia’s development within the OpenStack ecosystem was driven by the need for an advanced load balancing solution that could overcome the limitations of previous offerings. Its emergence as the replacement for Neutron LBaaS version 2 marked a significant milestone in enhancing load balancing capabilities for OpenStack clouds. But before we deep dive into Octavia, let’s quickly cover some basics and important terminology.

OpenStack: OpenStack has gained immense popularity as an open source cloud computing platform, enabling organizations to build and manage their private and public clouds. With its vast ecosystem of interconnected components, OpenStack offers a flexible and scalable infrastructure for various workloads and applications.

Load balancing is a critical technique used in cloud environments to evenly distribute network or application traffic across multiple servers to optimize performance, enhance scalability, and ensure high availability. By efficiently managing incoming requests, load balancing prevents server overload, reduces response times, and improves overall application performance. It enables cloud infrastructures to dynamically scale resources, adapt to changing demands, and deliver a seamless user experience. With load balancing, organizations can maximize resource utilization, minimize downtime, and achieve efficient and reliable service delivery in their cloud environments.

With a clear understanding of Octavia’s purpose as a load balancing solution for OpenStack, let’s delve deeper into its functionalities and explore Octavia in greater detail.

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What Is Octavia?

Octavia is an open-source load balancing solution designed for use with OpenStack. Octavia distinguishes itself by dynamically scaling up a fleet of virtual machines, containers, or bare metal servers, known as amphorae, to deliver load balancing services as needed. This on-demand horizontal scaling capability makes Octavia well-suited for cloud environments.

Octavia is comprised of these major components:

  • Amphorae: handles the load balancing services. Amphorae are the individual virtual machines, containers, or bare metal servers responsible for delivering load balancing services to tenant application environments. They handle the actual traffic distribution and processing.
  • The controller: serves as the “brains” of Octavia and consists of several subcomponents:
    • API Controller: runs Octavia’s API, receiving and processing API requests.
    • Controller Worker: receives sanitized API commands from the API controller and performs the necessary actions to fulfill the requests.
    • Health Manager: monitors the status and health of individual amphorae, ensuring they are running properly. It also handles failover events in case of amphorae failures.
    • Housekeeping Manager: manages the rotation of amphora certificates and removes outdated (deleted) database records.
    • The Driver Agent component: receives updates on status and statistics from the provider drivers, enabling effective coordination between Octavia and the underlying load balancing infrastructure.
  • Network component: handles the network environment necessary for load balancing operations. It includes the setup of the load balancer network interface on the amphorae and facilitates connectivity between amphorae, tenant networks, and external networks

Octavia integrates with other OpenStack projects such as Nova, Neutron, Barbican, Keystone, Glance, Oslo, and Taskflow in order to accomplish it’s role. Typically Octavia uses:

Nova – to facilitate the management of amphora lifecycle and enable the dynamic provisioning of compute resources as needed.

Neutron – to establish network connectivity among amphorae, tenant environments, and external networks.

Barbican – to manage TLS certificates and credentials when TLS session termination is configured on the amphorae.

Keystone – to handle authentication for the Octavia API and enables Octavia to authenticate with other OpenStack projects.

Glance – to store the virtual machine image of the amphora.

Oslo – to enable communication between the Octavia controller components. This ensures seamless integration with the standard OpenStack framework and review system, as well as maintains a well-structured project code.

Taskflow – is a vital component of Oslo and it is utilized extensively by Octavia. Octavia uses Taskflow to orchestrate backend service configuration and management workflows.

By understanding Octavia’s components and their interactions, users can effectively harness its capabilities and leverage it as a vital feature within the OpenStack cloud ecosystem.

Key Features Of Octavia

  1. Comprehensive Load Balancing Algorithms: Octavia supports a wide range of load balancing algorithms, including round-robin, source IP affinity, least connections, and more. This allows operators to fine-tune traffic distribution and optimize resource utilization based on their specific requirements.
  2. Health Monitoring and Automatic Failover: Octavia continuously monitors the health of backend servers by performing health checks. In the event of a server failure, Octavia can automatically redirect traffic to healthy servers, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery and minimizing downtime.
  3. SSL/TLS Termination: Octavia offers SSL/TLS termination, allowing secure communication between clients and backend servers. It offloads the encryption and decryption process from the servers, reducing their processing load and enhancing overall performance.
  4. Scalability and High Availability: Octavia is designed to scale horizontally, handling increased traffic and accommodating growing workloads effortlessly. It provides built-in high availability mechanisms, including active-active or active-standby setups, to ensure continuous availability even in the face of failures.
  5. Integration with OpenStack: Octavia seamlessly integrates with other OpenStack services, such as Neutron (for network management), Keystone (for identity management), and Horizon (for dashboard). This tight integration simplifies configuration, management, and monitoring, making Octavia an ideal load balancing solution for OpenStack clouds.

Benefits of Octavia

  1. Simplified Management: Octavia’s user-friendly interface and intuitive API make load balancing configuration and management straightforward. It provides a consistent and unified approach to managing load balancers, pools, and listeners, enabling operators to focus on application delivery rather than complex infrastructure management.
  2. Cost-Effective: Octavia is an open source project, which means it is freely available for use. Organizations can leverage Octavia’s powerful load balancing capabilities without incurring additional licensing costs. 
  3. Elastic Scalability: Octavia’s scalable architecture allows for the dynamic allocation of resources based on traffic demands. As workloads fluctuate, Octavia can automatically adjust and distribute traffic across servers, ensuring optimal performance and avoiding overloading any single server.

Difficulties To Overcome When Using Octavia On OpenStack

While Octavia offers robust load balancing capabilities for OpenStack, there are a few challenges that users may encounter when using it as their load balancer. These include:

  1. Complexity of Configuration: Octavia’s rich feature set and flexible architecture can make the initial configuration complex, especially for users who are new to load balancing or OpenStack. Setting up Octavia requires a deep understanding of load balancing concepts, networking, and OpenStack’s architecture. If you have a deep understanding of load balancing concepts, networking and OpenStack’s architecture you should be fine. If you do not, you can use deployment tools like OpenStack Ansible which provide predefined templates and configurations to get your started quickly.  
  2. Operational Complexity: Octavia operates as a distributed system, and managing and troubleshooting its components can be challenging. Monitoring and diagnosing issues within the load balancing infrastructure may require expertise in both OpenStack and Octavia-specific tools. For monitoring and logging you can use tool like Ceilometer, Prometheus or Grafana to keep track of the Octavia components and their performance.
  3. Performance and Scalability Considerations: While Octavia is designed to scale horizontally, achieving optimal performance and scalability may require careful planning and resource allocation. Improper sizing or misconfiguration of Octavia resources can impact performance, resulting in suboptimal load balancing and potential performance bottlenecks. For effective capacity planning, you will need to consider anticipated traffic volume, workload patterns, and resource requirements. You can use OpenStack’s Nova and Cinder tools to allocate sufficient resources to Octavia. And conduct performance tests using tools like Rally or Gatling to identify bottlenecks and fine-tune Octavia’s configuration.
  4. Integration Challenges: Octavia’s integration with other OpenStack services, such as Neutron and Keystone, can introduce additional complexities. Ensuring compatibility and seamless interaction between Octavia and other components of the OpenStack ecosystem may require thorough testing and configuration adjustments. You can use the OpenStack interoperability guidelines and reference architectures to ensure seamless integration. Additionally it would be wise to run a compatibility test to check that everything is integrated smoothly between Octavia and the other projects before deploying Octavia in production. 
  5. Limited Load Balancer Customization: Octavia provides a set of predefined load balancing algorithms and features. However, if users require highly customized load balancing logic or specific functionality that is not available out-of-the-box, they may face limitations in customization options. To overcome limited customization in Octavia, assess if its features meet your requirements, explore extensions or alternatives, and compare other load balancers within the OpenStack ecosystem or third-party solutions integrated with OpenStack.

It’s important to note that while these challenges exist, they can be overcome with proper planning, expertise, and support from the OpenStack community. As Octavia continues to evolve, it is expected that many of these difficulties will be addressed, leading to a more user-friendly and mature load balancing solution for OpenStack clouds.

Use Cases For Octavia

  1. Web Applications: Octavia excels in load balancing web applications, ensuring high availability, scalability, and efficient traffic distribution. It enables organizations to handle increased web traffic, deliver content faster, and enhance user experience.
  2. Microservices Architectures: With the rise of microservices, Octavia proves invaluable in load balancing traffic across various microservices. It helps maintain service availability, enables seamless scalability, and ensures consistent performance across the entire microservices ecosystem.
  3. Containerized Deployments: As containerization gains traction, Octavia integrates smoothly with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. It provides load balancing capabilities for containerized applications, facilitating efficient traffic management within a containerized environment.

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Alternative Open Source Load Balancers To Consider


HAProxy is a widely used open source load balancer and proxy server solution. It is known for its high performance, reliability, and scalability, making it a popular choice for managing and distributing network or application traffic across multiple servers.

HAProxy operates at the application layer and can balance traffic based on various criteria, such as round-robin, least connections, or source IP address. It supports multiple protocols and features advanced load balancing algorithms, health checks, SSL/TLS termination, and session persistence.

HAProxy is highly customizable and has extensive configuration options, allowing it to be tailored to specific application requirements.


Nginx is a widely adopted open-source web server and reverse proxy that serves as a load balancer in OpenStack deployments.

Deployed within the Octavia project, Nginx offers advanced load balancing capabilities, distributing incoming traffic across multiple backend servers to enhance performance, scalability, and availability. With features like load distribution, high scalability, health monitoring, SSL termination, and caching, Nginx optimizes resource utilization, improves server responsiveness, and ensures seamless handling of network traffic in OpenStack environments.

How To Create a Load Balancer

Ready to create a load balancer in OpenStack? In this guide, you will learn how to create a load balancer to distribute network traffic between two instances. The example load balancer created will listen on an external, publicly reachable IP address and route packets in a round-robin fashion across two instances on an internal private network. Follow along with our guide here.


Octavia, as an integral part of the OpenStack ecosystem, empowers organizations to achieve reliable, scalable, and high-performance load balancing for their cloud infrastructure. Its comprehensive feature set, easy integration, and seamless management make it a top choice for OpenStack clouds.

Whether for web applications, microservices architectures, or containerized deployments, Octavia delivers the necessary tools to ensure efficient traffic distribution and enhance the overall user experience. With Octavia, organizations can achieve optimal performance and availability in their OpenStack cloud environments.

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