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What is CloudStack?

CloudStack an open-source platform which provides cloud infrastructure management solutions, including compute orchestration, network management, and storage provisioning. While it shares some similarities with OpenStack, CloudStack follows a different design philosophy and offers its own unique features.

CloudStack Key Features:

  1. All-in-One Approach: CloudStack takes an all-in-one approach, offering a more integrated solution out of the box. When implementing CloudStack, you receive a pre-packaged stack of services (compute, storage, networking and user management) that are designed to work seamlessly together.   CloudStack simplifies the deployment process considerably, reducing the complexity and effort required for initial setup. While CloudStack’s all-in-one approach offers convenience and simplicity, it may be seen as somewhat less customizable compared to modular solutions like OpenStack. 
  2. Simplified Deployment: As mentioned before the pre-packaged and pre-configured nature of CloudStack makes it  easier to set up and deploy compared to OpenStack. This makes it a good choice for smaller organizations or those new to cloud technology. However, for organizations with very precise needs, this limits their ability to customize their infrastructure. 
  3. Built-in Network Virtualization: CloudStack’s integrated network virtualization capabilities simplifies the process to set up and control the intricate networking requirements of a cloud environment. 
  4. Strong Hypervisor Support: CloudStack supports multiple hypervisors, including KVM, VMware, and XenServer.
  5. User-Friendly UI: CloudStack offers a user-friendly web-based interface for management, which can be advantageous for those who prioritize ease of use.

What is OpenStack?
OpenStack offers a comprehensive set of tools and services for building and managing private and public cloud environments. It enjoys wide industry support and is backed by a thriving community of developers, making it one of the most popular cloud management platforms available.

Key Features:

  1. Modular Architecture: OpenStack’s standout feature is its modular architecture, which provides users with the flexibility to customize their cloud infrastructure. This modular design means that organizations can selectively choose and configure specific components according to their unique requirements. For instance, they can opt for Compute (Nova) to manage virtual machines, Networking (Neutron) for network resources, and Storage (Cinder) to handle storage needs. This flexibility allows organizations to tailor their OpenStack deployment precisely to their operational needs, making it an attractive choice for those seeking a highly adaptable and fine-tuned cloud solution.
  2. Large and Active Community: OpenStack has a vast and active community of contributors and users, leading to frequent updates and improvements.
  3. Multi-Hypervisor Support: OpenStack also supports multiple hypervisors like KVM, VMware, and Xen, which makes it versatile for various environments.
  4. Vendor Support: OpenStack providers like OpenMetal  offer On-Demand OpenStack clouds and commercial support and services for OpenStack deployments. These solutions offer many of the out of the box conveniences of CloudStack. 
  5. Scalability: OpenStack’s architecture allows for horizontal scalability, which means that as the demands on the cloud infrastructure grow, additional servers, storage, and networking resources can be seamlessly added to the existing setup. This allows OpenStack to accommodate increasing workloads and expanding user demands.

CloudStack vs OpenStack: How Do They Compare To Each Other?


OpenStack’s modular approach to cloud infrastructure offers a high degree of flexibility and customization, which makes it ideal for organizations with complex and varied needs. This allows users to cherry-pick specific components that align with their objectives, whether it’s compute, networking, or storage. Ex, a research institution may prioritize robust storage solutions, while an e-commerce giant may require scalable compute resources.

However, this flexibility comes at a cost – the complexity of setup and management. Configuring an OpenStack environment can be challenging for organizations seeking to build their own OpenStack deployment. This is even more challenging for those who are new to the platform or lack extensive IT expertise. Organizations who choose to not use an OpenStack provider will need skilled administrators or engineers to navigate the intricacies of integrating and maintaining different components. This can lead to longer deployment times and increased operational complexity.

Like the pre-built OpenStack clouds, CloudStack comes with a pre-configured stack of services, simplifying the setup process. This simplicity is advantageous for smaller businesses or those with limited resources for extensive customization and management.

However, this integrated approach may come at the cost of some flexibility compared to OpenStack’s modular design. Organizations that require highly specialized configurations or have unique infrastructure demands may find CloudStack’s one-size-fits-all approach less accommodating.

Community and Support

OpenStack is governed by the Open Infrastructure Foundation which has over 110,000 members in 187 countries. The thriving community surrounding OpenStack contributes significantly to its appeal as an open-source cloud solution. The community’s active development, extensive documentation, and collaborative nature provide users and organizations with valuable resources and support, enhancing the overall experience of working with OpenStack.


When it comes to integration, CloudStack and OpenStack offer distinct approaches, each with its own set of advantages.

CloudStack provides a more integrated and turnkey solution by default. With CloudStack, the components are pre-configured to work seamlessly together right out of the box, which can significantly expedite the initial cloud infrastructure setup.

On the other hand, OpenStack’s modular design empowers organizations with a high degree of customization. With OpenStack, you have the freedom to select and configure specific components like Compute (Nova), Networking (Neutron), and Storage (Cinder) to craft a cloud ecosystem that perfectly aligns with your unique requirements. This level of customization can be a game-changer, providing your organization with a competitive edge and ensuring that your cloud infrastructure is finely tuned to meet your business objectives.


Both OpenStack and CloudStack are scalable cloud solutions, but OpenStack is often favored for large-scale enterprise environments. OpenStack’s modular architecture enables easy expansion and adaptation to growing workloads through the addition of resources and components. This scalability makes it well-suited for enterprises with dynamic, evolving needs, ensuring they can efficiently accommodate increased demands as their businesses grow.

OpenStack and CloudStack are both formidable open-source cloud management platforms, each with its strengths and specific use cases. While CloudStack may excel in simplicity and ease of use, OpenStack’s robustness, versatility, and large and active community make it the preferred choice for many organizations.

When selecting a cloud management platform, it’s essential to consider your organization’s specific needs and long-term goals. If you are seeking a mature, scalable, and feature-rich solution with a thriving community, OpenStack can be seen as the frontrunner in the open source cloud computing race.

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