OpenMetal Community

Multi-Cloud System Integration Tools

The OpenMetal Community includes providers that can help you seamlessly integrate multiple cloud tools and data platforms.

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Connect and Optimize Your Cloud Systems

Conquer the complexities of using multiple cloud and data platforms with powerful integration providers. These comprehensive solutions streamline operations, optimize resources, and empower you to leverage the best of each cloud system. Unleash the true potential of your hybrid cloud architecture and say goodbye to fragmented ecosystems and cost overruns.

The following multi-cloud system integration solution providers work with both private and public cloud users to unify your cloud tools and ensure they’re functioning optimally for your distinct needs.

Interested in working with one of these providers or integrating their services with your OpenMetal Cloud? Let us know and we’ll be happy to get the conversation started.

Jump to: Scramjet

Scramjet logo


Scramjet simplifies the development and deployment of distributed and decentralized data processing systems, allowing users to focus on the data itself rather than dealing with VPNs, APIs, and security concerns.

Scramjet offers integration and ease of use and aims to make advanced data processing capabilities more accessible to a wide range of users and industries. Scramjet’s real-time data integration platform was created by developers, for developers. Leverage all the data from anywhere in the world, now in an easier, faster and more flexible way.

Why We Recommend Them

An active member and supporter of the open source community, Scramjet provides a valuable solution that further enables the use of alternative and open platforms. They make connecting and getting value from various tools simple. Scramjet Cloud is so easy to use that a Junior Dev can get a service started in less than 30 minutes! We look forward to seeing how their unique and powerful platform continues to develop and provide new value to our community.

Scramjet’s Cloud Platform is a tested and validated integrator with OpenMetal Cloud. View their GitHub repo: “Launching Self-Hosted Scramjet Transform Hub on OpenMetal Cloud Platform

Visit Scramjet

Products and Services

  • Data Integration
  • Lambda Alternative Service