On-Demand Computing (ODC) is an enterprise-level delivery model that allows users to easily provision and deprovision cloud resources when needed or “on-demand.” The model, which can be maintained at the user’s organization or through a third-party provider, supports computing demand as it fluctuates. 

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The on-demand model was developed to address challenges enterprises faced when trying to meet ever-changing computing demands in an efficient manner. It is an agile, scalable model that allows enterprises to keeps pace with unpredictable customer and market needs. 

In addition to the scalability, another benefit of on-demand computing is its pay-per-use cost structure. Enterprises are able to maintain minimal computing resources until additional resources are required. This allows enterprises to cut costs as they will not need to maintain a high level of resources to account for peak times. Also, if they are using a third-party provider like OpenMetal, they do not need to invest in staff to maintain or secure their physical resources.  The third-party provider handles security and maintenance, and can assist the user if they need help increasing or decreasing their resources. 

Equipped with easy scalability, self-service, and a pay-per-use structure, on-demand computing provides a means for agile, organic growth for enterprises ready to adopt the model for their business needs.