Ready to get started with OpenStack? Read this guide to gain valuable insights on the best hardware for your OpenStack deployment. On-Demand OpenStack clouds is OpenMetal’s flagship product, so as you may guess we know a few things about building OpenStack clouds, including how to automate OpenStack clouds for deployment in under 1 minute. In this blog we share some hardware recommendations with you, to ensure that your OpenStack journey is successful.

What Is Clickhouse?

ClickHouse is an open source columnar database management system created by Yandex in 2016. ClickHouse was designed to provide users with a rapid and efficient system for processing large-scale analytical queries on enormous  volumes of data. Today, organizations use ClickHouse for data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytical processing.

The adoption of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is on the rise as businesses seek to harness the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing. While virtualization has been a central component of IaaS, the integration of bare metal servers introduces a new dimension to infrastructure management.

Ironic, a vital part of OpenStack, focuses on provisioning and managing bare metal servers. It seamlessly integrates with Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, and Swift to provide a unified interface for managing hardware resources within a cloud environment. With Ironic, operators can treat physical servers like virtual machines, streamlining the management of resources in an OpenStack cloud. It simplifies bare metal management through a unified interface, seamless integration with OpenStack services, and automated provisioning.