The adoption of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is on the rise as businesses seek to harness the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing. While virtualization has been a central component of IaaS, the integration of bare metal servers introduces a new dimension to infrastructure management.

Ironic, a vital part of OpenStack, focuses on provisioning and managing bare metal servers. It seamlessly integrates with Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, and Swift to provide a unified interface for managing hardware resources within a cloud environment. With Ironic, operators can treat physical servers like virtual machines, streamlining the management of resources in an OpenStack cloud. It simplifies bare metal management through a unified interface, seamless integration with OpenStack services, and automated provisioning.

A cloud migration strategy generally follows the “land and expand” or “lift and shift” method. However, a more flexible, hybrid approach is beneficial. By adopting a flexible cloud migration approach that combines elements of both strategies, organizations can better align migration efforts with their unique requirements and constraints.

Cloud infrastructure is a critical component for SaaS platform providers and, in many cases, the business’ highest operational cost. This article goes into some of the top concerns that SaaS platform providers have about their cloud infrastructure and how an open source IaaS platform like OpenMetal Cloud can help resolve some of these pain points.

As businesses realize the growing costs of cloud, it becomes even more important to find alternative solutions.
This article presents the known benefits of private cloud, the factors that make organizations hesitant about the move, on-demand private cloud as the true alternative to public cloud, and also three business use cases that could reduce cloud spend while moving from a public cloud.

This article uses current cloud adoption and usage statistics to build on the discussion (in the video) between Todd Robinson, President of InMotion Hosting, and Marc Collier, COO of OpenInfra Foundation about the current challenges around the widespread adoption of OpenStack powered infrastructure, especially in the context of private clouds for SMBs.

2021 Cloud Market Growth Trends

The growth of cloud computing and cloud IT infrastructure for both public and private clouds is here to stay, strengthened by our expedited need for digital transformation to accommodate the permanently changing landscape of doing business, the increased availability of the internet, the adoption of more mobile devices around the world, an upheaval of the education system and the consumption of more and more big data.


OpenStack Education Operator’s Manual This manual is designed to allow an experienced system administrator to learn how to manage an OpenStack and Ceph cloud in roughly 40 hours of hands-on